Painted by Chris Bleicher
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Travel into the Light

The exposure to preplanning, death and funereal for many people is still a tabu.
Though the debate about the own finiteness and the theme "Death" is very positive.

The death arrives impartial of age. Nearly always it comes at the wrong moment
and is sensed by friends, relatives, business partners as shock. The death
after a long, heavy illness can be as well salvation. However during the terminal care
the relatives feel very often helpless and committed.

Derived from her own experience the artist Chris Bleicher knows, that dialogues
- as well in the context of preplanning - help, to get through and overcome these
hard times together with the associated moribound person.

"In the past I thought, that I'll let dispose myself humble.
After intensive examination with the themes "Death" and "Funeral Culture"
now I want to give to my associated people and as well business partners
through the way of my funeral - what is already defined in form of a
preplanning - a lasting memory of me. In combination with the exhibition
"Chris Bleicher - Brother Van Gogh" 1998 in the Forum der Technik (Forum of Technology), Deutsches Museum, Munich (Germany), with Coffin Performance
and Sunflower Happening I painted a coffin (which will now be my own one)
with sunflowers and discovered near by: It is important and positive, to concern
oneself with the own decease! With the artistic creation of urns and coffins I want
to take away of death the tremendousness and have contributed to handling of grief."

It is always sad, to loose a beloved person. You cannot speak with her,
to ask for an advice or touch. For the dead earthly body we do the
last services in commemoration of the decedent. With an artistic created
urn or a creative designed coffin - for example in the favorite color or a
special motif - exists therefore the possibility, the funeral respectively
the cremation arrange individual within the meaning of the dead
person and her memoriam beware in our heart.

Chris Bleicher's own coffin
as example for artistic coffin creation
Exhibited in Frauenmuseum Bonn (=Museum for female artists, Germany)
as "Woman Coffin" with neon installation
on the occasion of the exhibition EVO - Women in the World Religions
as symbol for women who passed away because of religions
Opening: Sunday, August 11, 2013, noon
Finissage: Sunday, November 10, 2013, 1 pm

Afterwards Chris Bleicher's own coffin goes to Museum für Sepulkralkultur
(=Museum for Funeral Culture) in Kassel, (Germany)
until for Chris' "own usage." Info about event later.


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